Options for transition cow facilities
The transition cow facilities and big lines for management are determined already in the cow barn design phase. The bedded pack area is common in maternity pen, ...

Understanding bedded pack areas
4dBarn interviewed 12 farms last summer and gathered practical experience of bedded pack areas. We compiled lots of knowledge and heard many positive comments!

VIC - cow has no time to wait!
Sure you know VIP, but what is VIC?

Cows heat stress – what about calves heat stress?
When you should take attention to calves heat stress? There is only a little research about calves heat stress but already 23 ºC causes that calves uses more and...

Considering cow-calf contact in barn design
Tips for cow-calf contact in a robotic barn. In the eyes of the consumer, prolonged cow-calf contact (=CCC) is a positive thing, and it is therefore fairly certa...

Calf Barn Project in Dreams?
New calf barn in your dreams? But you think that it still takes a lot of time to takea care of calves? At 4dBarn’s Boosted farms, an average of one-fifth of the ...

The right time to separate a cow and a calf – a lot of questions but no answers yet
There are a lot of opinions on how long the cow-calf contact after calving should last. We summarized the latest scientific studies.

5 times YES! For rearing calves in cold
Cold breeding of calves has a long tradition, but it still creates strong feelings for and against it.

9 practical tips for combating heat stress in cows
How to reduce the effects of heat stress on your dairy herd. These methods do not require large investments or technical installations but focus on more efficien...

7 tips for building a heifer barn
A well-designed and sized heifer barn promotes animal health, growth and comfort, with proper ventilation to reduce respiratory problems and plenty of feeding sp...

Building in steps
Dairy barns are often build ready at once, but it is expensive and getting financing can be difficult. Phased barn building requires careful farmstead planning, ...

Farmstead plan – a roadmap to future
The plan which ties buildings together and takes future expansions into account, is called Farmstead Plan. Good farmstead plan pays back with optimized farm yard...

Building a new robot barn
Design your robot barn by your budget Covid 19 has caused a storm to the world economy, first a paralysis due to pandemic and closed businesses itself, after tha...

Train yourself for the management of the robot barn
Learn to become a robot farmer Leave the old habits to the old barn .As soon as you decide to invest in robot milking you can start to train yourself. The most ...

Barn layout comes after management decisions
Barn layout comes after important decisions of dairy barn management strategies. If you are plan to invest in dairy facilities, start early! Starting the process...

Remodelling robots to old barns
Remodelling your existing free stall barn to robotic milking? In Finland we have had a long experience about robotic milking. Robotic milking is not increasing j...

Robots Can Update Your Existing Barn
No change to build a new barn but milking parlor is wearing out and something needs to be done. It is also difficult to get people to work in a parlor. All sizes...

Treats From the Robot
Cows' nutritional demands are the same regardless of the milking system in use. Milk yield is the harvest of correct feeding and management practises.

Retrofitting Dairy Barn to Robotic Milking – is Simply Adding an AMS Unit Enough?
When retrofitting your dairy facility to robotic milking, a farmer must remember to start by defining goals for the project and re-think their daily management r...

Bedded Pack Area – Pros and Cons of Different Bedding Materials
Bedding materials have their own good and bad sides. Some mix different beddings. Check the farmers experiences on different bedding materials here.

7 Tips for Succesful Bedded Pack Area
The transition cow bedded pack area is only a small part of a modern complex cow barn, but it is equally important to consider all the details in the bedded area...

Top 10 Tips for designing a robot barn
The importance of the user-focusing functional design is often underestimated, but it pays itself back quickly. Here is a 10-point checklist for designing robot ...

Deep bedding area = a lot of labor?
Some say: “It needs so much labor”. The others say: “A well kept deep bedding is the absolutely best place for a dairy cow”. 4dBarn is making a survey about deep...

Good Steel and Bad Steel in the Robot Barn
Read and learn about gating and stall design in the robot barn

4dBarn in Denmark -Travel report from Jouni and Marjo
In June, Jouni Pitkäranta and Marjo Posio travelled to Denmark to learn about Danish dairy production and prolonged cow-calf contact practices. The trip to Denma...

Travel report about Jouni's tour in Canada
Barn designer Jouni Pitkäranta from 4dBarn visited robot barns in Canada summer 2023. What did he learn about ventilation?

New – 4dBarn´s Blog
Finally, we share our thoughts in our own blog.
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