200+ 4dBarn® Designed New buildings and renovations in 13 countries
4dBarn® Farmstead planning - 250 farms in 10 countries
4dBarn® Boosted survey on 80 robotic farms in 8 countries
500+ students in 4dBarn® eAcademy
Over 2000+ participants in 4dBarn® Seminars, Workshops and Webinars

Robot Barn Consultant Company
Finnish 4dBarn Oy (Ltd) is a leading independent consultant company, offering unique robot barn functional design, coaching and troubleshooting for dairy farms.
” We help progressive dairy farmers to improve their dairy skills and facilities so that they will have a justification to produce milk in socially acceptable, economically and environmentally sustainable ways to ensure animal and human well-being.”
During 12-16 weeks training program 4dBarn coach the farmer to be “an AMS farmer” and help him to create and design the barn which suites his goals and management. Each of layouts are designed around the unique management style of the producer.
Improve Your Dairy Skills
We emphasize animal health and welfare, good management and labour efficiency. Our consultation services focus on optimizing labor efficiency through barn design, cow traffic systems, and gate placement.
Dairy farmers and dairy influencer around the world can improve theri dairy skills in brand new 4dBarn® eAcademy est. 2022.
Also Quality milk is our goal. We have a special knowledge in that.
4dBarn has made a field survey timing and following morning tasks in the robot barn. Our international data has over 70 barns and it shows a huge variation in labour efficiency between farms. This experience has helped us a lot also to develop labour efficiency in parlor barns.
We have a global network and we work closely with the University of Wisconsin (The world leading Dairy University)
Story of 4dBarn
Architect Jouni Pitkäranta designed dairy barns alone. He had learned the latest knowledge from leading experts and researchers in Northern America and Europe. He also arranged farm tours to Finnish dairy farmers and advisors in Northern America for over ten years.
In 2014 Dairy management adviser Marjo Posio from Rural Advisory Center ProAgria Oulu offered help to Jouni to investigate, why some farmers weren´t satisfied with their new robot barn with an automated milking system (AMS). They started to visit robot barns during morning duties and recorded working times. Jouni and Marjo investigated over 40 robot barns - first the barns Jouni designed in Finland, but also soon the best barns in Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands and USA. Jouni and Marjo realized that there is a lot of potential to improve both - barn design of the new robot barns and boosting existing robot barns to produce more milk with less labour. To design an optimal cow barn there is need to combine the layout and understanding of management.
In 2015 when service manager Virpi Huotari and veterinarian Virpi Kurkela joined the team, a new multitalented team started to create services and build up the company. 3D design met the fourth dimension, people working in the barn. The 4dBarn company was born.
Contact Us
FINLAND Contact:
email: info@4dbarn.com
email: firstname.lastname@4dbarn.com
Address: Isokatu 16 B 11. 90100 Oulu, Finland