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Freestalls robottinavetassa

Freeinstals ovat mitä lehmä arvostaa eniten robotti ladossa ja olemme varmoja, että teet samoin!

4dBarn Freestalls in Robot Barn eCourse tarjoaa sinulle kaikki tarvittavat tiedot tehdä oikeita vapaaehtoisia päätöksiä.

Lisäksi kurssi on käytännön hallinnointiopas vuodevaatteita ja muita tehtäviä.

Normaalihinta Ex.Vat €315,00
Ex.Vat Normaalihinta Myyntihinta €315,00

The top benefits of the Freestalls in a Robot Barn -course

The decision about freestalls is one of most important ones to make in your barn with robotic milking. No room for mistakes here!


Smooth stall management routines

There are huge farm to farm variations in the working time spent on management of free stalls.This course gives you examples of efficient routines.


Right freestall dimensions

Understanding the role of each stall stall structure helps to create a comfortable resting surface for your cows


Practical solutions for your barn

Choosing the right freestall option is not easy. Become an expert in this key area by learning from other farmers and our specialists.

Course Schedule

The 4dBarn Freestalls in a Robot Barn -course is an easy and interesting way to learn! The course consists of 8 compact modules and takes about 1 to 1.5 hours to complete. However, thanks to the structure, you can also split the training into several sessions according to your own schedule. If you wish, you can take the course or individual modules unlimited times to review and reflect yon what you have learned.


Freestalls course will provide you with up-to date information about freestall dimensions, bedding choices and working routines. There are many factors to consider when it comes to choosing the structures, bedding, and management of freestalls but this course will help you make informed choices.

  • 5 min


    Find out what Freestalls course has to offer! This module is available free of charge.

  • 10 min


    Learn why resting behavior is so crucial for a cow and how to test if your stalls are comfortable.

  • 10 min

    Resting surface

    In this module you learn the key features of different resting surface options and what kind of different bedding choices you have.

  • 10 min

    Space and dimensions

    In this module you will learn, why it’s important to know your herd’s cow size and what are the most important stall dimensions.

  • 15 min


    Module describes examples of bedding strategies and effective working routines

  • 5 min


    Look into the five common risks related to freestalls and learn how to avoid them.

  • 15 min


    Find out what kind of experiences four Finnish farmers have from freestalls and bedding materials.

  • 10 min

    My choices

    In the last module it’s time to think about what kind of stalls you want to have in your robot barn.



Virpi Kurkela, DVM

A freestall is a small spot in your barn, but it is the one that your cow values highest!

In a robot barn cows most important tasks are: eat, go to milking and rest! Those simple tasks ensure good milk production and health.


For a cow to rest comfortably and for long enough, the freestall must be carefully thought out. 

The purpose of this course is to provide you with a solid information for the basis of your decisions about freestall structures, sizing and management.

We also added comments and experiences from dairy farmers, who are successful with their freestall management.

Come and join us to ensure your cows good rest!


The course's interactive and functional approach will help you to learn.

The course included thought-provoking questions and observations.

A lot of new things came up that I hadn't even thought of before.

Ota Yhteyttä

Suomen yhteyshenkilö:



Osoite: Isokatu 16 B 11. 90100 Oulu, Finland

Yhdysvaltojen yhteyshenkilö: 

David W Kammel, Madison, WI

Puh. +1 608 212-9901

Japanin yhteyshenkilö: 

Tohtori Nahoko Kanai, Hokkaido, Japani
